Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Comprehending Viral Diseases Through Sushrutas Insights



                                                                      Dr Mrs Madhuri P. Bhide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professor and  H.o.D

                                                                                               Samhita and basic principles of Ayurved

                                                                                                            College Of   Ayurved                                                                             

                                                                                                           Bharati Vidyapeeth  ,Pune


 “Comprehending   viral diseases with Sushruta’s    insight”


      Covid  19 Pandemic has collapsed all the economic stability as well as wobbled  the medical field. How the tiny and microscopic virus has done  as much disaster and harassed the world ?  When the whole world is questioned and unanswered What our time tested and righteous Ayurved opines  about it 

Sushrut the master Surgeon has quoted about the tiny organisms which may harm the mankind in his special chapter “Amanush Upasarga Pratishedh Adhyay”  (Ref. Sushrut Samhita Uttartantra 60/3).   ‘Amaush Upasarga ’ means the diseases caused due to the organisms or other factors such as undue and erroneous force of planets. In such Agantuk disease (external factors) there is no acute role of any human being of  consuming ‘Apathya Ahar- Vihar’. The commentrator of Sushruta ,Dalhan explains micro organisms  as ‘Amanushani- Bhutani’.

These are termed as “Rakshasaha ,Nishacharaha, Makshikaha” which destruct the tissues and cause disaster in the body. Specially Sushrut has warned a doctor to avoid the contact of these infections from the wounds as wounds are open and organisms get easy entry in body.       

                निशाचरेभ्यो रक्ष्यस्तु नित्यमेव क्षतातुरः | Su U. 60/3

Sushrut has explained how they enter in body and person gets infected.

                  यथा देहं  देहधृक् |
विशन्ति   दृश्यन्ते ग्रहास्तद्वच्छरीरिणम् ||१९|| Su U 60/19

The way how suksma and invisible soul enters in body , these micro-organisms enter silently and we do not know when we get infected.

As we know virus  are innumerate, Sushrut says they are crores and crores so there is no need to name them . Swine flu virus , corona virus, saars , british virus and so on …….many many more to arrive worldwide even with their mutations.

       तेषां ग्रहाणां परिचारका ये कोटीसहस्रायुतपह्मसङ्ख्याः |
असृग्वसामांसभुजः सुभीमा निशाविहाराश्च तमाविशन्ति ||२२||

                                                                            Su U. 60/22
All these virus are called as “Bhima  and  Atyarth Bhayankar” means the dreadful . The bhutas  provoka tridoshas and act as poison and suddenly create diseases.

वैद्यातुरौ निहन्युस्ते ध्रुवं क्रुद्धा महौजसः ||५५|| Su u 60/ 54

These can create a dreadful situation and hence doctor should be competent and well equipped.
How to prevent their entry in the body and how to repel them ?

Now a days we use sanitizers and disinfectants ,Sushrut has advised some effective measures for it.

सर्षपारिष्टपत्राभ्यां सर्पिषा लवणेन  |
द्विरह्नः कारयेद्धूपं दशरात्रमतन्द्रितः   Su Su 19/28

Burn the Muster seeds, Neem leaves,Saindhav salt and cow ghee and make Dhupan   twice a day without any fail for 10 days.The dhupan is called as ‘Rakshoghna vidhi’ and repels the Small organisms. Due to fumigation the rakshas or bhuta become  Hatoujas  it means they become inactive or their liveliness becomes less. Thus this bhutas not only merely get repelled but also become Inactive to increase doshas in the wounded patient.

All the world is facing disaster of severe viral infections but as we have came across to the fact  that its response to  every  one is  different.

 Many of the patients who had suffered  from common cold and fever due to the seasonal changes  but all had  not faced respiratory  arrest. A very few of them that is only ten percent have been faced morbid situation. It is the basic query that why immunoresponce of each person is different ?

1 )  According to Sushruta , the ‘Atmavan’ person who undergoes ideal diet ,has equilibrium of  doshas and whos dhatus are in healthy condition  may suffer from common cold or fever due to the doshavriddhi but can repel the viral infection without any major fatal problem like respiratory distress.

सर्व एव व्रणाः क्षिप्रं संरोहन्त्यात्मवतां सुभिषग्भिश्चोपक्रान्ताःअनात्मवतामज्ञैश्चोपक्रान्ताः प्रदुष्यन्तिप्रवृद्धत्वाद्दोषाणाम् ||

Sushrut has wisely advised that those people who are “Atmavan “will get the wounds fast cured without any suppuration or complications due to healthy tissues but those with “Pravriddha doshas” take a long time to heal though treated by a great physician and with potent medicines. Though he exemplifies about the wound this phenomenon is applicable to other diseases also.

Atidoshakar ahar leads to suppuration  of the wound.

Sushruta refers to the Hitakar Ahar quoted by him .

हिताहितीये यच्चोक्तं नित्यमेव समाचरेत् |
Atidoshakar Ahar-

नवधान्यमाषतिलकलायकुलत्थनिष्पावहरितकशाकाम्ललवणकटुकगुडपिष्टविकृतिवल्लूरशुष्कशाकाजाविकानूपौदक-मांसवसाशीतोदककृशरापायसदधिदुग्धतक्रप्रभृतीनि  परिहरेत् ||

                                                                                                Su Su 19/16

 2) Ajirna -

 Indigestion  is the major cause of the deterioration of the body tissues and complications in body systems. Ayurved emphasizes to rule out Aam or Ajirna always in the initial stage of disease. The diseases may get controlled or minimize if person gets rid of the indigestion in the initial stage.

Ajirna -

अजीर्णात् पवनादीनां विभ्रमो बलवान् भवेत् |
ततः शोफरुजास्रावदाहपाकानवाप्नुयात् ||२२|| Su su 19/21

Sushruta clearly states that indigestion aggrevates all the doshas and the wound may get worsened due to uninhibited swelling , pain, Serous secretions and irritated  inflammation of body tissues.


                        मूर्च्छा प्रलापो वमथुः प्रसेकः सदनं भ्रमः |
उपद्रवा भवन्त्येते मरणं चाप्यजीर्णतः ||५०४||

Thus if person gets suffered from any viral disease also he should avoid heavy food, follow light diet and get first the doshas minimized, thus his recovery becomes fast without any severe complications.This advise of Sushrut is Noteworthy as now a days it is observed that  hospitals treating diseases like corona gave the patients heavy and Doshavriddhikar diet like fried Vada of black gram which should be stopped  according to Ayurvedic principles.

Sushrut here says that –

     अपतर्पणमाद्य उपक्रमःएष सर्वशोफानां सामान्यः प्रधानतमश्च ||

      Dalhan- सामान्यः सर्वशोफहितःप्रधानतम आशुरोगहरत्वात्||                                                                                                 

                                                                                         Su Chi 1/11

Snigdha ,ushna, Alpa and  drava (liquid) diet is recommended for patients. It means gruel of rice, mudga Yush is ideal for patients.

4) Vihar-

तथा ब्रह्मचर्यनिवातशयनोष्णोदकस्नाननिशास्वप्नव्यायामाश्चैकान्ततः

 पथ्यतमाः ||||Su Su 20/6

Ekant Hitakar Ahar is    - 1)   Nivat shayan  - sleeping in ventilated but in such place where direct contact of blowing wind is not present. This factor is of utmost importance as people sleep in Air condition or near the fan.

2) Ushnodak  Snan- Regular bath with lukewarm water.

3) Nisha Swapna- Taking adequate sleep at night. This is of utmost importance as many of the doshas come forward due to late night vigil. Perhaps this is the current reason of the development of sudden complications in the diseases.

4) Vyayam- This is the most important regimen of the day as if doshas accumulate in small amount get nullified due to exercise. Exercise makes our body active and our body tissues remain powerful  and compact.

 Body and Mental condition -

तत्रवयःस्थानां दृढानां प्राणवतां सत्त्ववतां (आत्मवतां)  सुचिकित्स्या व्रणाःएकस्मिन् वा पुरुषे यत्रैतद्गुणचतुष्टयं [तस्य सुखसाधनीयतमाः |

Su Su23/1

The young patients, patients with compact ,elastic and tough body tissues have good recovery graph. The people who have strong mental aptitude can bear all pains ,face the situation strongly and seldom suffer from any complication.

On the contrary the patients with co- morbid conditions and having flaccid and flawed body tissues like  Diabetic  patients,Asthama patients and with diseases like severe skin disorders  are considered in illumination of the fear of being morbid. Sushrut has wisely stated these patients as Asadhya .     These patients have   Shithil (flaccid) Dhatu and have dushta  dosha embedded in them .hence suddenly get transformed into complications.

These are the time tested and factual sayings of the master surgeon Sushruta about the treatment modalities and complications of  viral diseases.

In the recent pandemic of Covid 19 it is observed that world is searching for some herbal remedy on the viral disease. Researchers are searching consequence of the herbs like Guduchi , Shatavari , Kalmegha and  many more through different research models but mere medicines without  following  Sushruta’s  valuable strategies will not work effectively. Also   a mere viral infection can make a terror campaign  and can prove mortal if  Sushrutas wisdom is not  tagged.









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