Wednesday, 8 April 2020

  “Comparative study of Menopausal syndrome, a lifestyle       disorder in rural and urban woman” 

पद्मं सङ्कोचमायाती दिनेअतीते यथा तथा |
ऋतावातिते योनिः सा शुक्रं नातः प्रतीच्छति || .सं.शा.1/42
This verse explains the status of uterus after Artavakal.  But the phenomenon of nature to shrink and become inactive after use is denoted by it  .Similarly at the age of 45 to 50 the uterus becomes inactive and contracts just like the lotus withers on the next day. Though this phenomenon is natural and has been seen from decades to decades , nowadays has turned up into syndrome making a woman’s life miserable.
      It was hypothesized whether the syndrome is an outcome of todays complicated urban lifestyle and is absent in rural areas where there is pollution free environment and natural life. Hence it was decided to study its pathophysiology as why the natural physiology has turned up in a syndrome
Aim- To study the causative factors of menopausal syndrome as lifestyle disorder with help of survey study in urban and rural women.
1. To find out the role of dosha, dhatu, mala in menopausal syndrome.
2. To find out the role of current ahara, vihar and psychological factors in manifestation of menopausal syndrome with help of literary and survey study.
3. To compare the severity of menopausal syndrome in rural and urban women.


75 cases  have been studied in context with Ahar Vihar , Rasa ,  Rakta dushti ,Raja, Artav  and Garbhashaya  dushti  from rural area
75 cases  have been studied in context with Ahar Vihar Raja, Artav ,Sonita ,Rasa dhatu dushti,  and Garbhashaya  dushti from urban area
Comparitive study has been done regarding the severity and symptoms amongst them
The role of lifestyle has been verified in both groups.
Menaupausal syMPTOMS-
     Urogenital atrophy
     Osteoporosis and fracture
     Weight gain
     Urinary incontinence
     Psychological changes
     Sexual dysfunction
     Skin and hair changes

Prakrut Rajonivrutti-
Thus if woman undergoes ideal lifestyle like following of rutucharya,taking prakrut ahara and vihar results in prakruta dosha nirmitti,anulomit vayu which leads to prakrut rasa nirmitti. This leads to prakrut aartav. Thus in jeerna avastha as the need and function of female reproductory organ is no more required,vayu caesses the aartav and contracts garbhashaya gradually without any symptoms.

Ajeerna, adhyashan and Guru Ahar are major factors to create  Saamta. Agnimandya ,Hrullas, Udgar Alasya are majorly seen in these patients.
Due to Saam vata ,katishoola, prushtashoola and edema is created. Similarly due to Saama pitta trushna and amlodgar are majorly observed.

Rural- Dhatukshayajanya Samprapti-
In rural women, Anashan and vidahi ahar  like Vadapav and Mirchi thecha is commonly seen. Many females are farmers, hence do a lot of physical work. Walk a long distance from their home to the fields.Lack of snigdha Ahar like Milk and Ghee leads to Rasa and raktakshaya and all dhatukshaya upto ojakshaya. Thus the prakupit vayu due to its own reason like ruksha ahar leads to painful excretion of raja associated with palpitation and insomnia.

Margavarodhajanya- Samprapti- Urban

On the contrary the Urban woman eat junk and fatty food  and do Adhyashan frequently.These have mostly sedentary life style. The 2 wheeler driving makesApan Vayu Dushit. Thus the vayu gets prakupit due to medaj Avarodh. These females have weight gain and swelling over feet along with menopause .

Ashay Apakarsha gati-
Ashay Apakarsha Gati of vayu displaces normal pitta at another place .But in this condition similar to Ashay Apakarsha gati Vata and pitta both are aggrevated . Agrevated Vata displaces vriddha pitta all over body resulting in symptoms like hot flush and profuse bleeding per vagina.

As ashtang sangraha has quoted in arsha vikar as due to pratilomit vayu patient may suffer from manovikar,gulma,udar etc. when vata attains its normal gati these manovikar gets cured easily.


The survey study has wiped off the hypothesis made earlier. The percentage of women as a victim of menopausal syndrome in urban and rural area is almost same.
The females always put first the family members as priority is a normal and natural tendency. Hence they don’t pay attention towards their own hygiene regarding diet and daily regimen no matter she is rural or urban women.
The reasons of hetusevan due to ignorance of self health is common in urban and rural mindset. The continuous vegadharan as stated,abortion,miscarriage sutika aparicharya is common between urban and rural women.
The percent of shastrabhigat like section,d&c and MTP is also similar in both groups leading to vataprakop and travartya garbhashaya dushti.
The mental stress is same in female mind in both groups. Only remarkable difference is in urban –santarpanjanya pathology and sedentary lifestyle causing kapha vruddhi, avarodha leading to Vataprakopa. And in rural lifestyle anashan,aparimit ahar vigorous field work leads to weight loss,dhatukshaya,and finally vata vruddhi.
The dhatukshaya-rasakshaya specifically and various gynaec reasons alonwith stress has made them victims of menopausal syndrome.