Thursday, 24 October 2019

Revisiting Ayurvedic Potential through Cell biology

  Ayurvedic   Biology
 Revisiting Potential of Ayurved through Cell Biology
Background -  According to Biology cell is the smallest unit of  body.   Ayurved states Panchamahabhuta are smallest units  of body .Hence there should be  interrelationship between   Panchamahabhuta and cell .
Objective-To study potential of Ayurved through Cell Biology
आकाशपवनदहनतोयभूमिषुयथासङ्ख्यमेकोत्तरपरिवृद्धाः परस्परसंसर्गात्परस्परानुग्रहात् 
परस्परानुप्रवेशाच्च सर्वेषु सर्वेषां सान्निध्यमस्तिउत्कर्षापकर्षात्तु ग्रहणम् | Su. Su.42/3

1)      Parthiv and Apya Bhav-      Cytoplasm and Nucleolplasm consists  water molecules and dissolved- ions. It is Sandra – has  consistency of gel , Bandhakrut- substratum for organelles. Vishyanda ,Kledan- Maintains fluidity.    
2)      Agneya Bhav-     Mitocondria. takes nutrients , breaks down and turns into energy. Agneya  Pachanatmakam- Regulates cell metabolism and  acts as digestive system.                       

3)      Vayaviya Bhav-   It is difficult to compare Vayu with anything as it is said as the final authority. But can be said nearby to  Nucleus  which co-ordinates cell activities, growth ,metabolism and reproduction. It is the administrative centre of a  cell. 
“Ayusho  Anuvrutti  Pratyayabhuto Bhavati  Akupitah.” Vayu is responsible of all bodily mechanism to maintain life.

4)      Akashiya Bhava- Endoplasmic reticulum is the   microchanel which is connected from nuclear membrane to cell wall. It transports the material from cell wall to nucleus.
       “Srotamsi Khalu Parinam Apadyamanani abhivahini.”   -Charak Samhita
Viviktata- The semi-permeable membrane of cell allows certain substances to pass though . Similarly all the small pores , capillaries and tubules are different forms of Akash Mahabhuta.
Any sort of blockages in it may form pathology. For example Lacrimal tube, fallopian tube and Coronary artery.            

Conclusion- Thus cell  comprising Panchamahabhuta is a smallest unit of human body.  Panchamahabhutas are intermixed with each other and work together in a harmony so that all organells have all mahabhoutic Bhavas in more or less proportion creating a normal physiology.

Friday, 16 August 2019

About introduction of Padarthas

Dear students,

                         This is the ABSTRACT RELATED TO GANGADHAR TEEKA OF CHARAK SAMHITA. Read it carefully .

Exploration of unique aspects of
Jalpakalpataru For Comprehensive Study of Charak Samhita
Acharya Gangadhar is a scholar from 18 th century .  His compendium called as “Japakalpataru” is
capable of rendering unlimited knowledge. Acharya Gangadhar roy was a legend
who wrote 76 masterly books on Sanskrit Grammer, Astrology and Philosophy. This
paper expounds some of his expertise about Theosophical and clinical aspects.
Material and method-
 The extracts of
Jalpakalpataru where Acharya Gangadhar has more explained the core of the
meaning than Acharya Charak and  other
commentators are studied .
Kshiram Jivayati-
 Charak Samhita expounds the
importance of milk (Ch.Su. 27/3) as milk prolongs the life span .In its
explaination of Jivan karma Acharya Gangadhar explains it as milk strengthens
the bond between Sharir, Atma and Indriya.At the severe and sudden occasion of
accident, in the person who is accustomed regularly to milk, the firm bonding
(Samyoga) holds the Prana or Chetan Sharir and the person survives for some
time till he gets medical help.
 The Selection of the
girl suitable for wife should be of ‘Saman varna’. If the marriage is in same
cast it is called “Anuloma marriage” and if it is in another cast called as
“Pratiloma marriage”. These references Acharya Gangadhar has quoted from Narad
Samhita and Manusmruti. The progeny of the Hybrid mixed combination is called
as “Varnasamkar”. It might be subject of research for Genomic. Sadvritta.Ch.Su.8/9
Conclusion-         Acharya Gangadhar has expounded the
different views in Medicine and theosophy.

Friday, 19 July 2019

Different formations in

Dear students,
                         Infertility and female reproductive organ's diseases are a current burning issue in todays era. Various formulations are described in various Samhitas. But there are three treatment aspects which are key to treatment.
1. Agnideepan
2 Vatanuloman
 3 shodhan
Each and every medicine is a perfect blend of these three aspects in more or less aspects.
Let us study different Vatika prescribed-

Sr No         Name of Formulation          Ingredients                                         Ref                           Use

1               Rajodoshahari Vati            Revandchini ,shatapushpa              si.yo.sangrah          Alpartav

2              Kanya Lohadi Vati            Kalabol, kasis, ela,twak              Rasodhara tantra     Nashtartav

3              Rutukar vati                      2 kshar ,indrayan muli,tankan       Rasodhara tantra     Nashtartav

4            Kukkutnakhi guggul            Kukkutnakhi,triphala,guggul      Sharangadhar s.        Granthi

5           kasisadi taila                     kasis,langali,manahsheel,haratal,    Sharangadhar s.      Tubal block

                                                        shunthi, chitrak

6     Nashtapushpantak                kajjali, loha,  tamra,danti,rasna           Rasachandanshu     Rutushula                  Rasa
                                                                          Give me your opinion                                                                                     

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

An article titled as ' Efficacy of Ajaghrita (Goat ghee) in Vataja Netra Vikruti Lakshanas.(Vataja Opthalmic Disorders)' is published in IOSR journal in 2014. To see this please click on following link.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. VII. (Apr. 2014), PP 07-11